A tasteless comic book created, written, illustrated, and printed in (then promptly banned from) my office. I'm not sure there is much more to say than that.
I literally drew this, in it's entirety, while I sat at my desk, in between phone calls. Ironically, it was the most productive I had ever been, and my best months, revenue-wise (sales job).
I believe the work below should speak for itself. Sarcastic, anti-corporate humor and potty jokes rarely require explanation.
DISCLAIMER: The following material is OFFENSIVE.

The caption (the OTHER caption) of this drawing comes from a fantastic Murder by Death song. I recommend it, if you haven't heard it. The quote on the wall comes from the leader of the Third Reich. I do NOT recommend THAT, regardless of familiarity.

The cover has a very 'The Creation of Adam' feel. ...What? I never said it was as GOOD.

My manager BEGGED me to put him in my comics. I told him, "You won't like it." I was right.
Most of the content in Adventures in Telemarketing REALLY skewered the culture on a sales floor, and the 'what have you done for me lately?' attitude I have seen in the industry.
I had witnessed most of that behavior in the Sales Floor I worked at prior to the company I worked for when I actually DREW AiT, I don't think they were too keen to know the details when copies started to circulate.
Did I mention I STILL work at this company? I have since been promoted.
No correlation.

Here, have some cute.

OBVIOUSLY I am VERY worried that I might be missing out on REVENUE by posting so many of the pages here.
Hopefully this portfolio can lead to work that might recoup the 10's of dollars* I may be sacrificing.
*I blame the economy. MUST be the economy.

Brett was one of my managers...

...I think the manager depicted in the ABOVE comic saw THIS strip...

...and when he was asking to be included, he ASSUMED it would be a silly, playful romp...