A tasteless comic book created, written, illustrated, and printed in (then promptly banned from) my office. I'm not sure there is much more to say than that.
I literally drew this, in it's entirety, while I sat at my desk, in between phone calls. Ironically, it was the most productive I had ever been, and my best months, revenue-wise (sales job).
I believe the work below should speak for itself. Sarcastic, anti-corporate humor and potty jokes rarely require explanation.
DISCLAIMER: The following material is OFFENSIVE.
Most of the content in Adventures in Telemarketing REALLY skewered the culture on a sales floor, and the 'what have you done for me lately?' attitude I have seen in the industry.
I had witnessed most of that behavior in the Sales Floor I worked at prior to the company I worked for when I actually DREW AiT, I don't think they were too keen to know the details when copies started to circulate.
Did I mention I STILL work at this company? I have since been promoted.
No correlation.
OBVIOUSLY I am VERY worried that I might be missing out on REVENUE by posting so many of the pages here.
Hopefully this portfolio can lead to work that might recoup the 10's of dollars* I may be sacrificing.
*I blame the economy. MUST be the economy.