An advertisement for AiT. Pen on paper/Photoshop to collage the skin and clothes

Cliffhanger spoof. Ad for UniPsycho!! Made in Photoshop.

The Warriors spoof. Photoshop.

Poster made for the office in UniPsycho!!

Poster made for the office in UniPsycho!!

Logo created in Photoshop, Texture applied in Unity.

My oh my! That is one SHINY TURD!

Blender Render

Strangely, the more trite and sarcastically generic I try to make my fake labels, the more I can picture it sitting on a shelf somewhere.

Taken mere moments before vandalization beyond recognition.

This is an actual photo! With, you know... "modifications."

Our market research showed this to be an incredibly lucrative billboard location. Our market researchers have since been fired.

I regret making this, but not as much as I regret including it here.

Negotiating this deal with Ouya was tough... They hadn't paid their phone bill.

Photo taken mid Can-Can

With our powers combined... Still just unicycles.

Marketing for UniPsycho!!